Sponsor DfAB
If you would like to sponsor DfAB, below are some options and benefits for our sponsors.
Check out our 2020 Annual Report to learn about our impact.
If you are interested in sponsoring a specific instructor or style of dance class, your sponsorship plan will be applied specifically for those classes. Please email us for any additional questions.
Platinum Sponsor
up to 400 words
Twice a month
Logo with link on website
Written recognition in event description
Logo on all monthly email newsletters
Blog post recognition
Social media shout-out
Logo on graphic designs for sponsored events only shared on social media
(Instagram & Facebook)
Logo on graphic designs for all events (posted on Instagram & Facebook)
Logo on DfAB merch
Pre-Event Recognition
Written recognition in event registration confirmation email
Written recognition in event registration reminder email
During Event Recognition
Verbal recognition of sponsor at the beginning of the class
Gold Sponsor
up to 400 words
Twice a month
Silver Sponsor
up to 300 words
Once a month
Platinum Sponsor
up to 200 words